This post was supposed to be about mini wins — until I had a wild and unwanted visitor.
This picture is of the first egg, laid by Edna, a chicken from my quartet of backyard hens. I consider this production of food a mini-win.
My original goal of this post was to tie this into marketing the mini-wins of your business. So whether opening a new location or getting a good testimonial, mini-wins should be celebrated and shared. They can help with existing customer engagement, as well as get you noticed by potential new audiences.
But, just after I finished taking the photo, I heard the chickens freaking out. Dropping the egg (which did not break), I ran to the yard to see a fox mid-attack (he had a Rhode Island Red by the wing). I started to yell and wave my arms, making so much noise that I accidentally woke up my next-door neighbors. (They heard me and checked to see what was wrong). Anyway, the chickens scattered, including Edna, who ran into the house. (I am giving her Darwinian points for that)! The sly fox tried to dodge by me, but he finally took off.
We still have all four fowl. All seem unscathed. So I now consider this a BIG win story: four live chickens and neighbors who care.
Knowing that he will be back, however, I now have to strategize how to outfox the fox.
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