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Is Your Marketing Puzzle Complete?

Samantha Kempster & Julie Hollenberg • October 12, 2020

A missing puzzle piece is annoying. And while you may think, "Well, it is only one piece," it could wreck the whole picture.

A company’s marketing strategy is a lot like a puzzle — with mixed up pieces to fit together over time. How do you, as a business owner, start to solve this puzzle? Do you work randomly? Do you pick a section to focus on first?

Everyone will take a different tack, based on goals, strengths, resources, and challenges. Some may be overwhelmed and give up on the process — but you shouldn’t!  At Jade Marketing Solutions, our approach is to categorize the marketing puzzle pieces into four strategic building blocks so that decisions are more rational and simplified:

Brand Infrastructure: 

  • Your infrastructure needs to be in place before investing in any other marketing.
  • These are your brand building blocks and include foundational written and visual materials – from your logo to your website to brochures – that provide necessary information about your company to customers, prospects, employees, and potential investors.
  • It also encompasses defining your customer experience lifecycle standards and some form of robust client database or CRM tool.
  • A weak brand infrastructure, especially a crappy website, can result in subpar customer relationships and the erosion of a sales pipeline.

Customer Engagement & Relationship Growth: 

  • These tend to be high ROI initiatives that build loyalty, encourage referrals, grow share of wallet, and enhance your understanding of customers' needs.
  • Activities that can strengthen connections with customers include social media pages, relevant surveys, events, newsletters, product/services enhancements, and loyalty rewards programs.

Traditional and Targeted Marketing: 

  • Want to go full Don Draper? It is still okay to do that! Mass media ads, advertorials, newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio may be appropriate for certain promotions and businesses.
  •  Good old direct mail is still a successful tool for sales growth and building brand awareness for small- to medium-sized businesses.
  • With daily (even hourly) updates in Google algorithms and the growth of knowledge bases, targeted digital marketing (e.g., display ads, search engines, social media advertising) is our most widely used tactic. Works for almost any budget with completely measurable results.

Grassroots Outreach: 

  • This is networking – being "out there" with peers, advisors, and referral sources. You represent your brand and its values face-to-face, on Zoom, on LinkedIn, and with vendors.
  • Can be cost-free for attending public events or more expensive for visible event sponsorships, industry associations, and networking groups.
  • Requires your time, which we know is a scarce commodity!
  • Whether you’re a natural schmoozer or not, nurturing existing relationships and seeking new connections is worthwhile on any scale, but requires ongoing commitment and follow up.

With this marketing structure (and the right team in place), you can more easily assess where you are and what you need, and then allocate resources accordingly. Plus, you and a strategic marketing partner can develop a flexible strategy, so you can pivot and adapt quickly (and without great cost) if your business changes — or say there's a pandemic or something far-fetched like that.

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You may be worried about a lot these days. How is your business going to get through this? How can you keep your employees employed? How are you going to pay your bills? These are all normal concerns to have but there is some good news that will help keep money coming in now and the future. Read on for a few ideas. If you are a business that can offer gift cards, this is one thing you should act on now. When your customer purchases a gift card, that is immediate cash going into your business. Your customers and the community WANT to support you at this time and this is a great way to do that. Maybe offer them at a discount too. If you run a business that offers a service you may be closed due to Coronavirus. Set up a video system. This has become extremely popular in the past several weeks. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your clients but from a distance. If you are a gym or yoga studio, offer online classes. If you are a restaurant, offer a cooking class. If you are a professional organizer you too can do this virtually. If your business is centered around learning and education, offer classes online. Use your imagination. Another way to keep in touch with your customers and to remain top of mind is to reward them with a special offer when they refer your business. Just because you may not be able to get out and perform the service now, you will be able to when things settle down and become more normal. It will be great to have some new customers in the pipeline and your existing customers will really appreciate the special offer. Have you ever thought about partnering with another small business in your area? Now may be the perfect time to explore this idea. There are many benefits to a partnership. Probably the number one benefit is it allows you the opportunity to grow your customer base. But a partnership could also mean your business will have access to new products, reach a new market, block a competitor (through an exclusive contract), or increase customer loyalty. A partnership is also a great way to strengthen a weak aspect of your business. To get started simply map out a plan. Determine prospective partners and then pitch your idea to the prospects you have identified. Don’t be afraid. You will get some no’s but you may also get a yes. You won’t know until you try. This is a time to think outside of the box and do some calculated risk-taking. You know this is a time when many if not all of your competitors are taking their foot off the marketing pedal. If you are able to, this is a time where YOU can blow right past them. Of course, not all small businesses will be able to do this, but if you do have the resources, invest in your marketing. This is how you can gain a competitive advantage over the next few months and when this crisis is all over you will be in a better position. Good luck!
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The holiday season is upon us – and it’s the perfect time to lean in to your social media accounts. Does that sound counterintuitive? Quite the opposite! Yes, you are extremely busy, and that’s a great thing, but ignoring your social media during the holiday season will be a detriment. Follow these helpful tips to maximize your social media exposure and increase sales and followers this holiday season. Showcase your company’s personality with some holiday cheer. This is a great way for your business and employees to interact with your followers and customers. Post pictures or videos of your offices decorated for the holidays, holiday parties or team events. Your followers and customers love to see the human side of your business. Use social media for teasing new products. This is a terrific way to get your customers engaged. Undoubtedly you are getting shipments multiple times a week – take the time to snap a photo, do a quick write-up about the product and post. This is the time of year that your customers are researching products for gift-giving, and they usually have a game plan for shopping. If they see your products before others, you have a much better chance of winning the sale! Another way to increase those holiday sales is through special discounts, shipping offers or flash sales. Shopping has changed, and more and more people are doing theirs through social media. Reward your followers with a special deal, and watch the sales come in. Of course, it’s not all about sales. This is a wonderful time to donate to a charity you support, volunteer or give back to your community. During this season, giving is a little bit more special. Engaging with your followers on causes you support will benefit those charities. People will be more inclined to donate, giving you the chance to say thank you to your followers and making the holiday season a success for everyone. These are just a few helpful tips to get you going. Use your imagination! The opportunities are endless! Whatever you choose, don't overlook the power of social media this holiday season.
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